What are the good ways to prevent dogized tires

What are the good ways to prevent dogized tires! Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection
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3 thoughts on “What are the good ways to prevent dogized tires”

  1. The following reasons are the following:
    1, various mechanical damage: the abdomen is collided, impact, trauma, etc.
    This on this point, the host try to avoid taking the dog to the public to prevent accidents.
    2, some infectious diseases: such as canine plague, tuberculosis, infectious hepatitis, etc. also increase the incidence of miscarriage.
    The dogs have infectious diseases, and they should be treated first before pregnancy. If you are pregnant and suffer from these diseases, you can consult your doctor how to treat it.
    3, reproductive organs: such as chronic endometritis, excellent with egg abnormalities, placenta, fetal membrane abnormalities, etc.
    When this happens, the host wants to consult the doctor how to treat it.
    4. Maternal endocrine disorders: such as thyroid dysfunctional dysfunction and insufficient progesterone secretion, and various systemic diseases or improper feeding, nutritional deficiency.
    Master should pay attention to the nutrition of pregnant dogs.

    In order to prevent maternal dogs from miscarriage, it is best to ask a doctor to check whether the mother dog has contagious diseases such as Brucelli disease.

    If dogs have abortion symptoms, then can progesterone can be injected during pregnancy, so as to prevent abortion. Moreover, when a dog has a signs of miscarriage, it is necessary to take tire preservation measures in a timely manner. You can try to inject progesterone in the muscle of the diseased dog. The dose is 2-5 mg/time, and it is 3-5 days in a row. And treat symptomatic treatment.

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