2 thoughts on “Can the gold bracelet deform? Can you recover?”

  1. When the gold bracelet is deformed, you can try to adjust the hair dryer to the hot air gear, and then blow the hair dryer at the deformation of the gold bracelet. At the same time, find an object with the same shape and the gold bracelet. Later, it will be formed along the shape of the inner object.

    It attention to the degree of recovery after the deformation of the gold bracelet is related to its overall form. If the technology of the gold bracelet is more complicated and the deformation is more serious, this situation is best to send the gold bracelet to the jewelry shop Repair, it is not recommended to repair the gold bracelet, otherwise it may lead to the deformation of the gold bracelet.

    Is when wearing gold bracelets, you also need to pay attention to avoid contact with some objects with large hardness, so as not to stab and collide with gold bracelets, otherwise gold bracelets will easily tear deformation. Because gold itself is a soft metal, and the higher the purity of gold, the easier it is to deform.

  2. Pay content for time limit to check for freenWhat should I do if the gold bracelet is accidentally pressed?n1. Gently correct the original back of the original. If the deformation is not very powerful, you can try to correct your own back.n2. Smash it a few times to restore the original shape. If the gold bracelet is only slightly deformed, you can find a cylindrical object that is the same as the circular diameter you want, and then find a rubber hammer (or wrap a few layers of cloth on the hammer, or Use a thick solid wooden stick). Put the bracelet on the cylindrical object, knock on the hammer, make the inner ring of the bracelet fit on the cylindrical object, and gently smash it to restore the original shapen3. If the bracelet deforms sharply, he can also take the golden bracelet to the original gold shop they purchased, so that the professional maintenance artist will look back. Generally, gold shops are warranty for this situation.n4. Other accessories decoction. If the bracelet is defeated or broken in a certain place, you can find a professional master to decorate, and decorate it with jade or other accessories.n5. Following off and re -creation. If the gold bracelet is a luxurious style with a very complicated craft, and the deformation is very serious, the professional maintenance master cannot repair it, so you can fuse the gold bracelet and rebuild Wait. However, this method must go to a regular gold shop to prevent small shops from stealing gold.n6. You can also go to the original purchase office with the old replacement. For the old change, or recover the gold bracelet, and then buy other favorite gold bracelets or other jewelry. The general gold shop supports the original price to change the old onesnI hope to help you be convenient, you can trouble you to like me, thank youn6 morenBleak

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