5 thoughts on “Donkey”

  1. Donkey meat white radish porridge

    The materials required for donkey meat white radish porridge

    The main ingredients donkey meat, white radish, rice, ginger, cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil

    The method of donkey meat white radish porridge

    1. Wash and slice the donkey meat, marinate with salt and cooking wine; wash and cut into pieces of white radish; soak rice.

    2. Add an appropriate amount of water in the pot to boil on high heat on high heat, add rice, white radish, ginger, and cook over medium heat to cook.

    3. When the rice is cooked soft, add donkey meat, add salt and taste flavor, seasoning, and sesame oil.

    The effectiveness and function of donkey meat white radish porridge

    donkey meat has good taste and high nutrition, is high protein, low -fat, low cholesterol meat, 8 of whom, of which 8 kinds of human body The content of essentialine and 10 non -essential amino acids is very abundant. It is boiled with white radish to make porridge, which has the effects of nourishing yin and qi, and blood safety. Donkey meat has the effects of nourishing qi and nourishing blood, nourishing yin and aphrodisiac, reunioning, and nourishing the body. White radish has the effects of qi, digestion, nourishing yin and lungs, detoxifying and reinforcement. Such a porridge can have the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing qi, and can also nourish blood and sorrow. It is a good choice for patients who are weak or in the recovery period. You can eat it frequently.

  2. Ingredients: 500 grams of donkey meat, cooking wine, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper water, shallots, ginger slices, cooked lard.
    The method of donkey broth
    1. Wash the donkey meat, fry it in boiling water, remove it, cut it into slices. rn2、等到锅烧热了,就倒入少量的猪油,然后将葱姜和驴肉一起放到哦锅里面,进行爆炒,炒到水干,放入适量的料酒、花椒水、 Salt, MSG, pour in water, boil with high heat, then cipe the donkey meat with low heat, and then pick out the green onion ginger to eat it.
    The efficacy and function of donkey meat
    The donkey meat contains very rich protein and other nutrients, which can help nourish the body well. Function can help suppress some of the harmful substances to the body, prevent certain diseases, and enhance the body's ability to resist disease.
    We to eat some donkey meat in winter to help keep your body warm, and to drive the cold well, and then you can resist virus invasion to a certain extent. It also has a lot of positive effects on the body. Donkey meat can help relieve physical fatigue, and it has a certain effect of soothe, so it is very suitable for students and office workers to eat, helping to nourish blood and nourish qi.
    donkey meat has good health effects, which can help promoting blood circulation and nourishing the body well. For female friends, eating can help beauty and beauty, promote blood circulation in the body, and help qi and blood. Male friends can help nourish yin and aphrodisiac and promote health.

  3. Changzhi Shake Meat
    250 kilograms of fresh donkey meat: (1) The raw materials for making bacon are donkey, horse, and mule fresh meat, and donkey meat is better. When cutting the meat, divide the meat into the front elbow, the rear elbow, the forearm, the pier, the rear pier, the ingot bone, the ribs, the tendon, the waist ball, the belly compartment, etc. Soak the meat for 12 hours with water. (2) After washing, put in a 90 ° C water cooker and add seasoning (35 grams of peppercorns per 15 kilograms of raw meat, 35 grams of large ingredients, 35 grams of fennel, 300 grams of salt), and boil for 3 to 4 hours. 3. After cooling out the pan, put the meat in the casserole with the old soup in order, press the small stone, and simmer for 12 hours (continuously add soup) to get out of the pot.
    donkey meat soup

  4. Practice of Pingxiang donkey meat

    Fresh donkey meat, coriander, dried peppers

    production process:
    1 Wash the donkey meat for blood, add braised ingredients for 40 minutes to cook.

    2, cut the cooked cooling and sliced ​​sliced ​​for later use.

    3, clean pot of oil 4 Put ginger, garlic, dried pepper to stir -fry, add donkey meat, add cooking wine, put in the juice donkey soup, and then add refined salt, monosodium glutamate, white sugar, pepper, pepper Powder, soy sauce, and boil for 2-3 minutes. Put the plate on the pan, put a little coriander underneath, pour the secret sauce that you have adjusted, and pour the corners of dried peppers.

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