1 thought on “The meaning of rose brooch”

  1. The symbol of the meaning of never withering.
    women's brooches are mostly worn on the collar of the suit, or decorated with sweater, shirt or skirt. It is different from a kind of jewelry that is worn by the suit collar. The latter is mostly pins, also known as the suit.
    The origin of the brooch can be traced back to the stone era. When the ancients put the animal skin or rude fabric on their bodies, they needed to use sharp beast bones or fishbone to fix their shelters. These fixed things are the earliest form and function of the brooches. In addition, according to the views of the writings, the origin of the brooche may be the first to appear as a religious symbol and amulet.
    The expansion content
    The style of brooches can be roughly divided into two types: large and small. The length or diameter of the large brooch is about 5 cm, and the pattern is relatively complicated. It is mostly embedded with natural gems or artificial gems.
    The early Western Christian codes often stipulate that monks and missionaries must wear a religious symbol with gemstones on their chest as amulets that export evil spirits. In our country, ancient officials often wear similar things on their chests, but in addition to the amulets, these decorations are also a symbol of power and status. Later, these ornaments gradually evolved into chest jewelry today as specialized jewelry.
    The above content refers to Baidu Encyclopedia-brooch

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