What industry does the big health industry specifically refer to? What do you include? Intersection

5 thoughts on “What industry does the big health industry specifically refer to? What do you include? Intersection”

  1. The big health industry is an emerging industry with huge market potential, including medical products, health supplies, nutritional foods, medical devices, health care equipment, leisure and fitness, health management, health consultation and other areas that are closely related to human health.
    At the "Self -Health Care -Big Health and Big Industry" International Summit Forum held by the Hong Kong Trade Development Bureau in Hong Kong in Hong Kong, Dr. Guo Zhenyu, Chairman of the International Self -Health Fund, emphasized: Different from the development model of the traditional medical industry, it is a model from a single treatment model to the "prevention -treatment -nourishment" integrated control model. In addition to continuing the development of medical and pharmaceutical industries, which are mainly medical equipment and drug -oriented, should also accelerate the development of health products industries mainly based on health food, cosmeceutical, functional daily necessities, and personalized health test evaluation, consultation, consultation, consultation Services, disease rehabilitation and other health management service industries.

  2. The health industry is an emerging industry with huge market potential, including medical products, health supplies, nutritional foods, medical devices, health equipment, leisure and fitness, health management, health consultation and other areas that are closely related to human health.

  3. The large health industry generally includes related industries of human health, such as health products, medical supplies, medical equipment, health management, health consultation, etc., while the international service of the Great Health Industry Group has four major advantages: the combination of international and local, strong, strong ones, strong ones, strong ones, strong ones, strong ones, strong ones, strong ones, strong ones, strong ones, strong ones, strong ones, strong ones, strong ones, strong ones. Research capabilities, deep resources accumulate comprehensive service capabilities.

  4. The health industry outside the health care industry, the sub -health industry, and the health management industry basically belong to the sub -health industry. Simaky information like Xiahuo.com is positioned as big health.

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