Can the penis be inserted into the uterus? What changes can the uterus have after pregnancy?

Do you understand the technique of inserting the uterus? The act of making love involves inserting the penis into the vagina and makes both men and women pleased, but possibly many people don't understand that if the penis is tall enough, you can reach the opening of a woman's uterus. Is a mini real dollr a great womb experience?

Feeling up to the uterine opening: Because the penis is continuously inserted, there will be a negative pressure of air in the vaginal cavity (the same principle as the pump). When the head of the glans is pushed up against the mouth of the uterus, the uterine opening will also hold the head tightly. At this point, when you shake the penis, the woman will shudder like an electric shock, and the heat in the womb will give you unparalleled comfort.

Key points of uterine Care

According to research, more than three abortions, the possibility of uterine disease and harm significantly increased.

If repeated abortion, it is easy to cause uterine infection, cervical or uterine adhesions, leading to secondary infertility.

Compared to more than a decade ago, fibroids are increasingly favored in women in their 30s and 40s, especially childlessness, sexual difficulties and depression. Gynecologist said that the specific cause of uterine fibroids is not really clear, but research shows that the hormone secretion is overly strong is the most common cause of uterine fibroids. Women's three behavior patterns are endocrine disorders and excessive hormone secretion culprits.

1. Don't indulge in promiscuous sex

Sexual indulgence, especially with multiple men, is the first victim of the womb. If sex is messy, pathogens can enter the uterine cavity through the vagina and cause an infection of the endometrium.

2. Strictly prevent the fall off of the harem

Postpartum do not pay attention to rest, usually squat or do heavy work, so that the abdominal pressure increases, the uterus will move down from the normal position along the vagina. At this time, it is best to choose appropriate gynecological care products, reduce elevated fatty food Elevated fat food promotes the production and release of certain hormones, the formation of uterine fibroids is associated with a large amount of estrogen stimulation, adhere to a low-fat diet, according to the latest 4+ pyramid diet structure can absorb the necessary nutrients. Avoid spicy, alcohol, frozen and other foods.

3. Changes in the uterus after pregnancy

After pregnancy, the mother has undergone a series of changes in order to adapt to the growth and development of the fetus, especially the uterus. Before pregnancy, the uterus is only tiny pear size, weight 50 grams, volume about 7 cm *4.5 cm *3.5 cm. During full-term pregnancy, the uterus weighs 1000 grams, an increase of 20 times, and can accommodate the fetus, amniotic fluid and additional contents of 5000 ml. The full-term uterus is 35 cm tall, 25 cm wide and 22 cm thick. The uterus grows as the fetus grows -- 3 the Hang Seng index can touch the bottom of the uterus; ​at 4 months of gestation (17 weeks after menopause), the base of the uterus is located between the umbilical cord and the pubic bone; 5 months of gestation (21 weeks after menopause), the uterine base flat, abdominal bulge; ​at 31 weeks gestation, the bottom of the uterus between the umbilical cord and the sternum; ​term, the bottom of the uterus under the xiphoid process 2-3 transverse fingers; ​when the fetal head enters the pelvis, the uterine floor may be lowered.

4. Uterine microenvironment

Uterine microenvironment refers to uterine maturation, uterine morphology and location, endometrial receptivity, myometrium (uterine fibroids), sex hormone levels and ratios in the body, menstrual cycle, cervical duct patency, mucus viscosity and pH value, cervical inflammation, uterine cavity patency, uterine cavity pH value, whether there are rejection factors or anti-sperm antibodies, peripheral nerve function and regulation, microvascular system Function and blood supply (oxygen, nutrition, elimination of cellular metabolites), etc.

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