3 mistakes that are easy to make when applying toner

When the seasons change, many girls will have various skin problems, among which dryness is the most obvious, and the skin is relatively dehydrated. Even with daily skin care, the skin still does not improve. What is the problem? It is puzzling. Is there a problem with the choice of skin care products, or a problem with the steps of skin care? Everyone's skin condition is different, and the skin problems they face also have certain differences.

Dry skin is followed by problems such as roughness and peeling. By adding moisture to the skin, it can be improved a lot. If the skin is oily and sensitive, it cannot be solved by simple hydration. It needs to be combined with a variety of skin care products. It can be improved under their mutual cooperation.

You have to choose suitable skin care products according to your own skin type. If you don’t choose the right skin care products, even if you use skin care every day, the effect of skin care will be minimal. Toner is the most basic skin care product. It is used after cleansing the face. It is also an important skin care item for skin hydration. It is an indispensable existence in skin care.

Many girls think that when applying toner, they don't pay much attention to it, and just slap it on the face casually and feel that it is ok. In fact, this way of applying toner is very problematic. Skin care is a matter that needs everyone to pay attention to, and it must not be casual or perfunctory, otherwise the skin condition will definitely be unsatisfactory after a few years. When applying toner, don't make the following 3 mistakes, otherwise, the effect of skin care will be negatively affected.

  1. After washing the face, apply directly on the "wet face"

Many people use toner directly after washing their face before drying it. This kind of skin care method is actually not good for the skin. The correct way is after washing your face, use a clean towel or face towel to absorb the moisture on your face, and then apply toner. If the face is wet, use the toner directly, the concentration of the toner will be diluted, and the efficacy will also be affected. Therefore, when using toner, be sure to keep the face free of "drops".

  1. "Naturally air-dry" after washing your face

Many sisters don't want to dry their face in time after washing their face, and prefer to dry it naturally, which will make the skin more and more dry. If after washing your face, the skin is waiting for a long time to dry naturally, then when you wipe off the toner at this time, the effect of skin care will also be weakened a lot. After washing your face, if the skin is not taken care of in time, the pores will gradually close. If you use toner at this time, not only the absorption will be affected, but also the skin condition will be damaged.see more:best toner for dark skin

  1. Pat the toner directly with your hands

The way many people use toner is to pour the toner directly on their hands and pat it on their face. When applying toner, you must keep your hands clean. If your hands are not clean and there are bacteria on your hands, it is easy to cause bacteria to penetrate deep into the pores, causing skin problems such as blackheads and acne. In addition to patting and applying, the effect of wet compress with a cotton pad will be better, which can not only avoid damage to the skin barrier, but also fully promote the absorption of toner. Pour the toner on the cotton pad, and then apply it on the face. Focus on the areas with many skin problems, and it will gradually improve a lot.

When choosing a toner, you still need to combine many factors. First, you must consider your own skin condition and skin characteristics, and then the brand attributes and the price of the toner. These points must be carefully considered. If the selected toner is not suitable for you, or the price is too expensive, you are reluctant to use it, then the effect of skin care will be affected one after another.

There is a Bisutang VC toner, which is very suitable for the public in terms of the effect and price. It can brighten and moisturize, and can deeply nourish. Many Internet celebrities and beauty and skin care bloggers are recommending it. Suitable for a variety of skin types, whether it is dry skin, oily skin or sensitive skin, there is no burden or pressure on it. It can also play the role of secondary cleansing, making the skin cleaner. It can be patted directly, or wet compress on the parts with many skin problems, which is more conducive to deep absorption of the skin.

This toner can regulate the water-oil balance of the face, making greasy skin gradually refreshed and natural, soothing the oily skin, and gradually suppressing a lot of oil. It makes the dry and rough skin gradually become finer and smoother, which is the biggest highlight of this toner. It can moisturize the skin and brighten the complexion. It is a toner with high cost performance. This toner can also have a good improvement effect on problems such as acne and blackheads. It can unclog the pores, avoid clogging of the pores, refine the pores, remove the garbage in the pores, and gradually restore the firm and smooth state of the skin. After using for a period of time, the skin gradually becomes full of vitality and vitality.

This toner gives the skin enough care, so that the skin can receive all-round care, can repair the damage in the skin, reduce the breeding of closed acne, dilute the fine lines in the skin, inhibit the dull complexion, and make the skin more translucent and shiny . It is rich in a variety of plant essences, including trehalose, which can store water and maintain the bottom layer of the skin, keep it moisturized, and enhance the softness and toughness of the skin. Improve multiple skin problems, keep the skin in a bright, white and transparent state, improve its own refinement, and contribute to its own appearance.

It can gradually weaken the blemishes and problems in the skin, so that people no longer have to be embarrassed by dry and greasy skin every day. It also has an anti-oxidant effect, which can make the skin closer to flawless. The feeling of use is very good, not dry, not sticky, not tight. After applying it on the face, it feels cool and comfortable, and it will not irritate the skin at all. The ingredients are safe and mild, so you can use it with confidence and boldly without any worries.

Source website: YeaPei

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